
The 2024/25 sea­son will once again fea­ture our sub­scrip­tion series at Konzer­thaus Ber­lin with four con­certs, each Sat­urday at 18.00 h:

30 Novem­ber 2024
25 Janu­ary 2025
5 April 2025
24 May 2025 

We will be per­form­ing string quar­tets by Haydn, Moz­art, Korngold, Kagel, Kodaly and Grieg as well as “Im Anden­ken” based on the frag­ment of the Andante from Franz Schubert’s String Quar­tet in C minor D 703 (2007) by Ber­lin-based com­poser Sarah Nemtsov.

In the com­ing sea­son, we will be wel­com­ing cla­ri­net­tist Mar­tin Span­gen­berg for Reger’s Cla­ri­net Quin­tet and viol­ist Öykü Can­po­lat for the string quin­tets by Moz­art and Bruckner.

You can find the detailed pro­gramme under “Pro­jects” on our website.

Info and tick­ets / sub­scrip­tions are avail­able at Konzer­thaus Berlin.

From 29 Septem­ber to 3 Octo­ber this year’s Kam­mer­musiktage Hom­burg took place with 6 con­certs.

Photo: Thor­sten Wolf / Saar­brück­er Zeitung 

Our guests this year are the pian­ists Nami Ejiri and Mat­thi­as Kirschnereit, Sophia Jaffé (viol­in) and Jan Ick­ert (cello), the viol­ist Öykü Can­po­lat and the Arcis Sax­o­phone Quar­tet with the per­cus­sion­ist Chris­ti­an Benning.

You can find the pro­gramme pre­view here:‑k-t-u-e-l‑l/