
Eine Welt auf sechzehn Saiten – 30 Jahre Vogler Quartett
Conversations about an extraordinary career
This career is without a doubt unparalleled: Since Tim Vogler, Frank Reinecke, Stefan Fehlandt and Stephan Forck formed the Vogler Quartet in 1985, they have experienced a unique success story. The four musicians celebrated their 30th anniversary in 2015 with the original line-up since it was founded. The author and long-time director of the Berlin Konzerthaus, Frank Schneider, asked the Vogler Quartet for an interview: “A world on sixteen strings”, published by Berenberg Berlin edition, is an extensive artist biography. The artistic work, everyday musical life, contemporary history between East and West with a focus on music is highlighted, spiced with a number of personal memories and anecdotes.
Eine Welt auf sechzehn Saiten
Gespräche mit dem Vogler Quartett
384 Seiten · Halbleinen · fadengeheftet · 164 x 228 mm
20 EUR
ISBN 978–3‑937834–77‑1