
Foto: Friederike Fechner

Con­cert in Stralsund

about: Kagel, string quar­tet No. 5

“In oth­er words, no squeam­ish hand­ling of the mater­i­al on offer, but an impress­ively pro­nounced abil­ity to lend tra­di­tion­al, but very ali­en­ated mod­els of form and sound the appear­ance of highly indi­vidu­al­ised ‘mod­ern’ express­ive art. This is to be taken very lit­er­ally, because what the per­formers offered was a music­ally and music­ally con­vin­cing syn­thes­is of diverse styl­ist­ic and express­ive char­ac­ter­ist­ics. A good 25 minutes of con­tinu­ous ten­sion, ener­get­ic declam­a­tion, aton­al, extraordin­ar­ily sharpened ton­al­ity, viol­ent, often explos­ive, even excess­ive states of excite­ment with enorm­ous dynam­ic drive; on the oth­er hand, there were also retard­ing, reflect­ive pas­sages with no less impress­ive ges­tures. […] As a work and as an inter­pret­a­tion, this was a power­ful performance!”

IOCO.Kultur im Netz, Ekke­hard Ochs, 28.01.2025

In 2025, the Vogler Quar­tet will be cel­eb­rat­ing its 40th ANNIVERSARY with an unchanged line-up — this is unique in the quar­tet scene.

The quartet’s own con­cert series at the Ber­lin Konzer­thaus (since 1993) and in Neub­randen­burg, fest­ivals in Sligo, Ire­land (from 2000–2022) and in Homburg/Saar (Septem­ber), which are artist­ic­ally dir­ec­ted by the quar­tet, as well as the multi-award-win­ning North Hes­si­an Children’s Music Days in Kas­sel, which have been tak­ing place since 2004, are per­man­ent fix­tures in the quartet’s annu­al calendar.

Ant­onín Dvořák: Com­plete Cham­ber Music 

Release date: 8 Novem­ber 2024

The com­plete record­ing of Ant­onín Dvořák’s cham­ber music, which began in 2012, is now com­plete with the release of Vol. 5.
11 CDs are avail­able on the cpo label.

The VOGLER QUARTET’s cham­ber music part­ners for the quin­tets are Oliv­er Triendl (piano and har­moni­um), Tat­jana Mas­uren­ko (viola) and Frith­jof-Mar­tin Grabn­er (double bass).

QuArt@Kindermusiktage e.V. cel­eb­rate Anniversary

20th Nord­hess­is­che Kin­der­musiktage in Kas­sel with the Vogler Quar­tet
(Children’s Music Days in Kas­sel)

10 — 13 March, 2025
Theme: “Traum  und Musik” / “Dream and Music”

Stage fright is the order of the day: togeth­er with the Vogler Quar­tet, pupils bring to the stage every year what they have pre­vi­ously thought up, planned, com­posed, arranged, writ­ten, rehearsed and painted. Col­our­ful cre­ativ­ity, breath­less listen­ing, a lot of hard work and per­sever­ance and finally a lot of applause — all of this is always com­bined to cre­ate the unmis­tak­able atmo­sphere of the Children’s Music Days.
The ensemble vis­its schools in the city and dis­trict of Kas­sel. Pro­jects that were pre­vi­ously developed and rehearsed by the ‘spon­sor’ classes and in the primary schools are now prac­ticed togeth­er. At children’s con­certs and ‘little mas­ter con­certs’, a school sports hall can sud­denly become a con­cert hall, and the chil­dren learn all kinds of things about music, musi­cians and instru­ments, sheet music, com­posers and string quartets.

[…] Children’s con­certs and rehears­als in schools are reserved for pupils. How­ever, the pub­lic is cor­di­ally invited to attend the pub­lic events and exper­i­ence the extraordin­ary atmo­sphere of the Children’s Music Days.

On 13 March 2025 we will play a con­cert at the Staat­stheat­er Kas­sel |Opera Foyer.


Vol. 5 of our Dvořák record­ing was released on 21 Novem­ber 2024.

2 CDs:

String Quar­tet No. 1 in A major op. 2 B. 8
String Quar­tet No. 7 in A minor op. 16 B. 45
String Quar­tet No. 11 in C major op. 61
Two Waltzes op. 54 for string quar­tet and double bass

Double bass: Frith­jof-Mar­tin Grabner

About the Quar­tet No. 1 in A major op. 2 | 2nd movement

‘The Vogler Quar­tet achieves an excel­lent, very har­mo­ni­ous inter­pret­a­tion in the pecu­li­ar, almost fever­ish slow move­ment, which is remin­is­cent of the second move­ment of Beethoven’s Quar­tet Op. 18 No. 1: everything inter­locks won­der­fully here, the sub­lim­in­al drama of this music is excel­lently real­ised. An album that def­in­itely sets its own accents.’, Hol­ger Sam­bale, 27.01.2025

The 2024/25 sea­son will once again fea­ture our sub­scrip­tion series at Konzer­thaus Ber­lin with four con­certs, each Sat­urday at 18.00 h:

30 Novem­ber 2024
25 Janu­ary 2025
5 April 2025
24 May 2025 

We will be per­form­ing string quar­tets by Haydn, Moz­art, Korngold, Kagel, Kodaly and Grieg as well as “Im Anden­ken” based on the frag­ment of the Andante from Franz Schubert’s String Quar­tet in C minor D 703 (2007) by Ber­lin-based com­poser Sarah Nemtsov.

In the com­ing sea­son, we will be wel­com­ing cla­ri­net­tist Mar­tin Span­gen­berg for Reger’s Cla­ri­net Quin­tet and viol­ist Öykü Can­po­lat for the string quin­tets by Moz­art and Bruckner.

You can find the detailed pro­gramme under “Pro­jects” on our website.

Info and tick­ets / sub­scrip­tions are avail­able at Konzer­thaus Berlin.

From 29 Septem­ber to 3 Octo­ber 2024 this Kam­mer­musiktage Hom­burg 2024 took place with 6 con­certs and the title “Le bœuf sur le toit”.

Photo: Thor­sten Wolf / Saar­brück­er Zeitung 

Our guests this year were the pian­ists Nami Ejiri and Mat­thi­as Kirschnereit, Sophia Jaffé (viol­in) and Jan Ick­ert (cello), the viol­ist Öykü Can­po­lat and the Arcis Sax­o­phone Quar­tet with the per­cus­sion­ist Chris­ti­an Benning.

“The Vogler Quar­tet also earned such approv­al on Sunday even­ing with its tightrope walk between late Roman­ti­cism and free ton­al­ity through the close-meshed tex­ture of Alban Berg’s String Quar­tet op. 3, and above all with its cheer­fully relaxed rendi­tion of Giuseppe Verdi’s unique quar­tet. Tim Vogler (first viol­in), Frank Rei­necke (second viol­in), Stefan Feh­land (viola) and Stephan For­ck (cello) dis­pelled the great opera composer’s self-doubts about his occa­sion­al work with charm and cheer­ful serenity, espe­cially in the clev­erly dabbed stac­ca­tos of the final fugal scherzo.”

Paul O. Krick, Saar­brück­er Zeitung